Filipino Food Truck Has 2 Generators Stolen

Yesterday, BombPinoy, which is the first Filipino food truck in Chattanooga was the unfortunate victim of a broad daylight robbery in which they had two Honda EU2000i generators stolen.

The owner of the food truck didn’t realize that both generators were stolen before it was too late and unfortunately now has to deal with the expensive loss. Not only did they have to suffer from not having two generators, but also could not sell any more food over the weekend due to lack of power.

For those not too familiar with street food, or street food equipment in general – these generators are very expensive and cost around $1500 brand new, making this theft a $3000 robbery.

Unfortunately, this is one of the dangers of running a food truck since your eyes cannot be in all places at once. Expensive equipment is a target for brazen thieves who simply do not care about small business owners and want to make quick cash.

For those wanting to support BombPinoy and live in the Chattanooga area – you can find their menu here.
