Refund Policy & FAQ’s

Refunds policy

As this eBook is a digital product we are unfortunately unable to offer a refund.

This is because once the information leaves our site and is in the public domain there is no way for you to return the product without having a duplicate copy.

What to do if you are not satisfied?

We are confident that this product provides value to anyone wanting to create a mobile catering company.

However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with the information contained within this book please send an email and we will try to resolve any queries you may have.

We welcome any feedback from you to make our informational products the best they can be.


*Can the information in this book be applied internationally?

A few sections of this book focus on the UK mobile catering industry, such as the “Operating Legally” chapter. However, all of the fundamentals can be applied to any country, where there is a mobile catering and events industry.

*Is this book for beginners or established companies?

The short answer is this book is for both.

The book is split into two sections. The first section is for complete beginners who want a step by step guide on starting a mobile catering company.

The second part is for established companies who want to expand their services beyond food markets and festivals to include private events.

*What type of payments do you accept?

Currently, we accept all major debit and credit cards.


  • Gavin D

    Gavin D is the founder of Street Food Central and Tru Foo Juice Bar Co. and has worked in the mobile catering industry for over 7 years.

    Gavin D