How Food Truck Owners Can Gather And Analyze Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is the most important factor in running a food truck for any period of time. Sure, anyone can succeed for a week or a month, but it takes a competent individual to be able to run a profitable food truck for several years.

One key factor is becoming successful in the street food industry is to listen to customer feedback. If your customers aren’t happy with something, they will definitely let you know about it. It’s then up to you to listen to them, but also change where you have gone wrong, increase customer satisfaction, and in turn, increase your profits.

To effectively gather and analyze customer feedback for adjusting operating hours, food truck owners can implement several strategies:

  1. Direct Interaction and Feedback Forms: The owner or staff of a food truck can directly engage with customers during service, asking for their opinions on operating hours. They can also hand out short feedback forms for customers to fill out while waiting for their order, or place a suggestion box in a visible area. These forms can include questions about preferred visiting times and any other suggestions.
  2. Social Media Engagement: Food trucks can use their social media platforms to create polls asking followers about their preferred visiting times or to post questions encouraging feedback about operating hours. Analyzing which posts get the most engagement at different times of the day can also offer indirect insights into when customers are most active.
  3. Observation and Sales Data Analysis: Keeping a detailed record of sales at different times and days can help identify trends. For instance, if sales spike around lunchtime on weekdays but dwindle in the evening, it might indicate the truck’s strength in the lunch market. Observing foot traffic patterns can also inform us about busy times.
  4. Loyalty Programs and Email Surveys: Implementing a digital loyalty program where customers check in or scan a code each time they visit can gather data on customer visit times. Sending out email surveys to customers who have signed up for a newsletter or loyalty program can provide more in-depth feedback on their preferences.
  5. Collaboration with Event Organizers and Local Businesses: Partnering with local events or businesses can expose the food truck to different customer groups. After these events, the food truck can gather feedback either directly or through social media to understand if these new customers prefer different operating hours.
  6. Use of Feedback Apps and Tools: Digital tools like SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or even specialized food industry feedback apps can be used to create and distribute surveys. These tools often come with analysis features, making it easier to interpret the data collected.
  7. Review Sites and Online Feedback Monitoring: Regularly checking and responding to comments on platforms like Yelp, Google Reviews, or TripAdvisor can provide insights into customer satisfaction and preferences. Special attention should be paid to comments mentioning the timing of visits or suggestions for different hours.

Each of these methods can provide valuable insights into customer preferences, helping food truck owners tailor their operating hours for maximum appeal and profitability. If you’re able to profit from learning from your own mistakes, you will no doubt be a successful food truck owner.


Paul Kish